Co-parasitism of intestinal protozoa and Schistosoma japonicum in a rural community in the Philippin
Dynamic changes in the collagen metabolism of liver fibrosis at the transcription level in rabbits w
Non-invasive immunodiagnosis of Schistosomiasis japonica: the detection of specific antibodies in sa
目的 探讨rSj26-Sj32融合蛋白-IgG-ELISA用于急性日本血吸虫病的诊断价值.方法 利用纯化的rSj26-Sj32融合蛋白和日本血吸虫成虫粗......
Construction of a hepatic stellate cells subtracted cDNA library of differentially expressed genes i
To construct a hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) subtracted cDNA library to find differentially expressed genes in normal mi......
目的 观察鄱阳湖区血吸虫病疫区居民肝、脾超声图像特征及其转归,探讨超声显像(B超)在评估血吸虫病病情及其变化中的应用价值.方法......